
What Is Astigmatism & How Is It Treated
Sep 08, 2021 • All articles

What Is Astigmatism & How Is It Treated

Astigmatism is a common but treatable eye condition. It occurs when an error in the curvature of the eye’s cornea results in blurred vision at all distances.

The cornea is the clear layer at the front of the eye, which allows the eye to focus light in order to see clearly. But when an eye is astigmatic, rather than curving like a round ball, the cornea is shaped like a football or egg, resulting in blurred near and distance vision.

Additionally, astigmatism can occur in combination with other refractive errors, like myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness).

Signs of Astigmatism

Most people are born with astigmatism. In some rare cases, it may develop after an injury or trauma to the eye causes the cornea to change shape.

Astigmatism is easily diagnosable during an eye exam. Your eye doctor can measure the curvature of your cornea, and will be able to determine the level of severity of the astigmatism.

One or more of the following signs can indicate astigmatism:

  • Squinting
  • Headaches
  • Eye strain, fatigue
  • Blurry, distorted vision
  • Difficulty seeing at night

Treatment for Astigmatism

Glasses and contact lenses are commonly used to treat astigmatism. Unfortunately, however, they’re not a long-term solution.

Many people with astigmatism struggle to achieve clear vision when using frames and contacts. If wearing glasses, you may experience distorted vision along the edge of the lenses. Similarly, with contacts, blurred vision can occur when the lenses rotate, which is a regular part of wearing contacts.

LASIK eye surgery is a long-term solution for astigmatism. The majority of people who undergo LASIK for astigmatism are left with a better quality of vision than they could achieve with glasses and contacts.

Additionally, LASIK is a more convenient option. You don’t need to deal with the inconvenience of wearing glasses or contacts every day, like struggling to find your frames in the morning or your eyes becoming irritated after a long day of wearing contacts. Plus, LASIK is a one-time investment. This saves you money in the long-run, as you don’t need to worry about re-purchasing glasses, prescription sunglasses, contacts, or contact lens solutions.

How LASIK Corrects Astigmatism

Lasik alters the shape of the cornea to correct astigmatism so you can achieve clear vision without relying on frames or contacts.

Using a variety of diagnostic tests, our team is able to create a pre-specified pattern to determine the shape the cornea must take to treat the error. Then, during the LASIK procedure, a flap in the cornea is created so an excimer laser can be used to reshape the cornea so light can properly focus on the light sensing part of the eye.

The only way to determine if LASIK eye surgery can treat your astigmatism or refractive error is by coming in for a free consultation. Our team will be able to determine your candidacy and review your options in order to help you make an informed decision.

Greenberg LASIK is committed to helping as many people as possible achieve better vision. Book a no-obligation consultation today to experience the life-changing results of laser eye surgery.